Pregnant envy

I'm haveing a very difficult time dealing with one of best friends getting pregnant.

The back story is iv been trying for 3 years currently diagnosed with basically its a mystery why im not pregnant as im perfectly healthy and very regular cycles so now im off to start my journey with a fertility clinic. ( hubby has been checked out also) My dear friends been trying for less then a year, made it seem like it was a crazy struggle and is now pregnant.

Im so happy for her, but so sad for my self that i cant stand to be around her or see her social media posts. We dont talk much any more since i told her i needed some time tp prosses my own issues.

My husband says i need to get over it.

Im just to sad and im supposed tp host a bridal shower next month with her for another friend and i cant do it.

Im just wish i could get over it. 😔

Update for all the comments concerning our friendship. We are not in any kind of fued or something that will ruin our friendship. I explained to her that its too painful for me right now and i love her dearly and i want nothing but the best for her. But im not in a place right now to talk about babie stuff with her. She was completely understanding and told me she was there when im ready.

I was more posting that i wish i could be ready now. Today she announced she expecting to the world on fb/ ig and i wanted to be happy, but insted i cryed.