third or more pregnancy mom to talk to


So this is my third baby (2nd girl 💕) but this little muffin has given me quite the hard time from the beginning. I love carrying her And I’ve seen the humor through most pain. However I am 35 weeks and I am DONE. I can barely walk because of the pelvic pressure and shooting pains into my vagina. The Braxton Hicks are all day every day and some are soo strong. I’m leaking everywhere, I’ve had nothing but diarrhea for the past few days, I’m dizzy, I’m exhausted but can’t sleep, I’m cleaning the bathtub and floorboards non stop. And morning sickness has returned! Lol can I have another mom on their third or more weigh in on how different and fast things happen? Itd be nice to vent together. Also ive been dilated 1 cm since 28 weeks and I’ll find out if anymore next week. I’ve had to do mostly video chats as my appt which are annoying and I feel rushed. Okay aaaand I’m done. Whoever read that whole thing I appreciate you ❤️💜