Sleep Trained!

For all of the mamas that are still struggling with sleep problems- there is hope!! FTM here and sleep has always been our biggest issue. My baby refused to sleep anywhere other than my arms for practically the first year of her life 🤦🏻‍♀️ She was waking up crying every 2-3 hours for a bottle. Welp, I had enough! In April, I decided to give sleep training a serious try. I didn’t give in to her cries and was shocked that it only took a few nights of sleep training for her to be sleeping in her crib in her own room. I did let her fall asleep in my arms with a bottle before putting her down, but at least she slept through the night. Well I had to cut out the bottle, obviously, so I replaced it with a bedtime story and rocking her to sleep. I started rocking her less and less each night, and now, I am not rocking her at all. I just put her down in her crib wide awake and walk out, and she sleeps through the night!!! 🙌🏻 totally life changing! I now get 11-12 hours of freedom every night and 1-2 hours during the day when she naps. I do miss her like crazy but I think we are both so much happier and well-rested now 😍 I thought it would impossible but all it took was some consistency, confidence, and a little bit of tough love ❤️