tips and tricks???

hey everyone :)

so this is kind of a more sensitive topic, at least for myself, when it comes to sex. my boyfriend and i have been together for almost 2 years, and we have been having sex for a little over a year and a half. we do it frequently. but i have never had any outcome myself, if you know what i mean aha. i have orgasmed twice, and that’s about it.

i used to get really sad, and cried a few times after, because i was really convinced i was “broken”, and i saw how sad it made him because i know he really wants to make me feel good, which he totally does.

then i orgasmed for the first time, but that was when he found my G spot. then it happened again, and that was like 6 months ago, and that’s been it. we don’t get sad anymore because i know i’m not broken, and he knows i do in fact feel good, but we both know that there is so much more that could be happening.

it’s not that i don’t feel good when we have sex, because i feel great. and i know a lot of it also has to do with the fact of how much we love each other and trust each other.

we have tried a lot of different things, but nothing really seems to be helping it making me finish, or anywhere close to. i don’t feel super sensitive down there, so i really have no idea what to do, or what to tell him to try.

but if anyone who maybe had a difficult time finding ways to feel really good, finish, orgasm, etc, has found ways with themselves personally or with their partners, i would love to hear any advice anyone has.

thank you so much!!!