Period 12 days early?!🤨


*Me right now🙃*

This is gonna be kinda long sorry:/

So I usually have very regular cycles 26-28 days. Glo has my next period coming in 11 days. I started my last cycle on the 21st of June and ended the 25th. I would say it was not like my normal period because it wasn’t as heavy and it was a day or 2 shorter. July is our first month trying to concieve. We had sex on the 28th 2 days before my fertile window and on the 30th I started spotting. I decided to take a test just in case because in June we did have unprotected sex a week before my period was due & considering my period was a little different than normal & I was spotting I figured why not, but it was negative. I continued to spot with very mild cramps so I figured maybe It was just ovulation. We then had sex again on my predicted ovulation day July 5th & on the 6th I started spotting again with my cramps becoming more mild to moderate. And the 7th more period like cramps and what seemed to be my period but it’s not like my normal period considering on my first day I bleed very heavy changing multiple tampons a day but I am only wearing a liner and pretty much only bleeding when I use the restroom. Today on the 8th I am still having what seems to be my period but still not wearing a tampon & my cramps are not as severe as I usually get and they come and go. My first 1-2 days I usually have cramps so bad I puke. I’m not really sure what is going on since my periods are so normal I mean every cycle I start exactly when glo says I am going to and ends exactly when the app says it will end. Do you think I could possibly be pregnant and just having some bleeding or maybe having a chemical pregnancy or is this just my period. My period is not due for another 11 days and my cycles have been like clockwork for years now so of course this is completely out of the norm for me. I’m really worried since I probably wouldn’t get a positive test yet since I am so far away from my next period to even know if I was pregnant or having a chemical pregnancy. This is my

first time trying for a baby so everything is worrying me. Has this happened to anyone before if you were pregnant? Please help with any comments ☹️