Do I need plan B??


Okay so Monday evening my bf and I had sex for about a min or so not very long cause I got my nexplanon out a month ago because it was time to replace it but due to Covid I couldn’t get the next one put on until this coming Friday in a couple days.... so we avoided having sex but it’s been a while and obviously we did for a short time. He hadn’t cu* in a week and when we did have sex in the shower it was for a min or 2 at the most and he never finished... I know pre cu* is a thing but he hadn’t finished himself off in at least a week before we did this in the shower. I did an ovulation test yesterday that was negative, still negative today but a little bit brighter line today so I might ovulate in a couple days... idk should I take plan B? I regret having sex at all... and I think tomorrow is the last day I can take it. I just need advice honestly.