Weird advice from nurse


At our last check up the nurse said my daughter (7 months) drinks too much milk and should have more solids. She was a bit above her curve and is in a very high percentile anyway. She gets about 30-35 oz of formula a day and has solids twice a day, around 4oz each time.

This nurse said to scrap her midday bottle so she only has milk in the morning and evening, and even to start solids in the morning too so she has less milk then. According to her, 20oz of milk is appropriate. When I said I thought milk was the main source of nutrition until 1 year old she said that’s “old” advice and got out a “new” nutrition chart but in the small print it literally says this advice is for healthy kids from the age of 1 year 🧐🙄

So I was wondering, do I just ignore this advice and stick to our own feeding schedule, or has anyone else had similar advice?