The human body is Crazy!! For the last few months I’ve been tracking my body’s changes and my CM I also was using ovulation kit. This month I waNted to not track anything and relax. First day of my cycle was 6/21 that lasted five days.. then I had a really bad stomach bug last week. Usually my ovulation kit is positive on day 14 but this month I didn’t use any. I started to track my cycle from my cervix and my CM on day 13. On day 14 of this cycle I had EWCM (for the first time).. that only lasted the afternoon. It was really weird. Usually after ovulation I have a lot breast pain and this cycle I so far don’t. I’m also experiencing very mild pelvic cramps off and on. My sister said to take a test and tried to convince me I was pregnant “already “. I know it’s early but I took on anyways and it was negative. She said there are test that I can take 14 days before my period 😂😂. Which doesn’t make since. Fingers crossed 🤞🏽 baby bust 💕