Low fluid so induction tomorrow


Today’s OB visit didn’t go like I thought. I’m 37 weeks 3 days today. On checked me and said I’m still 1 cm today and he thought I’d be more as this is baby 5. He couldn’t tell if she was head down still. He asked about her movements which I’ve been telling them for two weeks they haven’t been the same and I don’t feel her often. He said he needed to do an ultrasound and stress test. Well, come to find out I’m not feeling her like I was because my fluid is very low. I’m now bing induced tomorrow morning at 6 am. I’m worried, scared and emotional. I know how painful inductions are as my first one was induced but I’m

More concerned on if my baby girl is ok. My doctor said my placenta is wearing out and she’s not getting the blood and nutrition she needs. Prayers please my mama friends.