
So I know that I’m probably not, but I need someone to tell me I’m not so I’ll stop overthinking. My bf and I have never had sex, the most we’ve done is him fingering me and me blowing/giving him a hand job. Every time afterwards I go and thoroughly wipe my hands with a Clorox wipe and I wash my hands with soap and water and typically use hand sanitizer just to be safe and I keep my hand away from my lady parts for a few days as an extra precaution. Recently though he hasn’t fingered me, he’s just dry humped me through all our clothes (I usually wear panty liners too) until I cum (he’s never cum while we’re dry humping). Is there any chance I could be pregnant??? I’m just freaking out bc my cervix still feels pretty soft (I’m new to this so I could be wrong) and I think I ovulated on like the 5th/6th. I’m not due to start my period until like next week tho and my discharge has def thinned like it normally does before my period and I haven’t had any pregnancy symptoms but still

(Sorry if I sound really ignorant or annoying I’m just freaking out a little bit I’m 17 and my family is very religious I can’t be pregnant please help)