Ultrasound development stages


So here a little development in getting the ultrasounds done and what I’ve been experiencing. (Maybe handy for people who are getting scared of certain symptoms ect.)

• I had an early ultrasound when I thought I was 7 weeks because of blood loss and we could not see anything but an empty sack! (Symptoms coming and going!)

• I still had the blood loss brown and bright red so I had a appointment again the next week and after a lot of searching we could finally see our little bean and a heart rate! They did push my due date back with almost 2 weeks!

• Today 2 weeks later I still had blood loss and a lot of cramping last week. Today I had an ultrasound again and we found the little one a lot faster and everything was totally fine and I actually got pushed forward into my due date a week so today 8+6!

So for anyone scared because of blood loss without a direct source plz don’t worry it can just happen! 🤷‍♀️

PS: I’m pretty curious about the Ramzi theory so if anyone has an idea I’m pretty curious!!

*dutch weken = weeks