FRER vfl getting darker?+PMS vs bfp ?


Yesterday fmu↓

Both are first morning urine, I caught the line super early with first response and it was barely a shadow and so I've tested every morning to see the line progression. In my opinion I have seen it slowly double over 48 hour. In the last 3-4 days. I'm not going to be testing in the morning with first response anymore for at least four 4 to 5 days and if AF doesn't show up by then I will test.

I am considerably late on my cycle for someone who has an irregular cycle, but my symptoms are normally the same every cycle and I can predict when my period Is going to start.

Normal PMS for me: slight sluggish by 4-6dpo

Soft cramps that get worse until period shows 7dpo

8-9dpo I'm starving and eat like 6-7 meals a day and almost everything needs hot sauce

10-12 dpo I'm normally extra emotional, boobs hurt and feel heavy(my boobs grow a whole size every cycle rapidly and then shrink back when it starts-its a real fun time) nauseous

By 14dpo my cramps are consistent and hurt pretty bad and then she comes!

This cycle:

No cramps, except the last 3 days or so I've had what I'd say is an uncomfortable ache that makes my legs feel as they normally would if I was having a painful cramp

Extra whinny

The last few days I have been STARVING

I've had food aversions before where I felt like I want to puke, but this cycle it's more like I see a food item that I normally really love and It just doesn't look good to me or I get slightly nauseous thinking about it.

Don't want my famous buffalo wings

I drool obsessively when I want certain food and I have to wait for it(bf getting Chinese for me, bf getting a mcgangbang for me) like I mean can't finish I conversation because I have to slurp my saliva

And probably the foods that seem the most appetizing: raw ramen with seasoning and salsa. wheat sandwich with mayo, honey mustard, relish, cheese and turkey.(I ate three in a 14 hour period)

anyway I just wanted to document my normal PMS symptoms versus the symptoms that I've had lately. if you want to add what your normal PMS symptoms were versus your bfp symptoms I would really appreciate it, and if you could let me know what you think I would also appreciate it.