Problems in bed

So my boyfriend has been cuming a lot quicker a lot more recently . Which I usually find flattering dont get me wrong, but just recently I've found the whole thing to be very short and I don't end up feeling cery satisfied. Not to come off as selfish or anything because it's very important that he feels satisfied but I would like some of that as well. I don't mean to complain about it but its either cuming too fast, not getting hard, or not cumming at all. It's never 5 or 7 minutes of straight sex and then him cuming. I know it's not my place to say and who am I to tell him when to cum... but still. It's just been very inconsistent... Which is probably why it always keeps me wanting more. The problem is that even if I stop having sex with him that wouldn't be the answer. It's not as though he doesn't want me or whatever, but more so if I stop having sex with him that isn't gonna solve the problem, he will still cum fast/not get hard/ not cum regardless of what I do. It's not as if I've not tried fixing the problem, like we tried going slower but the problem with that is then he doesn't get hard or he ends up cuming anyways. He even lasts longer with condoms on but then if the condom is on he also has a hard time getting hard. Again I'm not saying it's bad that he is cuming so quickly but I would like it to last a little longer.
