Im so freaking nervous I'm going to die

In the latter half of last year I applied to 7 different jobs without any luck. Just this month I applied 3 different jobs (two of them at one place). The first one didn't work out and the other two I just called about and they said they will be looking at applications today and they will get back to me tomorrow. When I said my name the manager said he remembered coming across my application so that's good at least.

I'm 21 and was lucky enough to not need to work (I regret waiting this long, but ya know). Im so excited and nervous. I really dont want to get my hopes up since I've already been turned down so many times. I applied for the front desk and childcare position (it's at a gym) and I really want the childcare position because I love kids and actually have 2-3 years experience babysitting.

I should be expecting for the worst so I dont get my hopes crushed, but I can't help it, I really really want the job