Do you regret not TTC in your early 20s


I'll be 30 in a few months. I want a second child but my Daughter is only 1. Married young I wanted to try right away we never used protection he was my frist. After 7 year of not even a false alarm I began to think something was wrong. After testing we did <a href="">IUI</a> and it was successful. we had our daughter. I always wanted two or more children if life and Finances permitting. I want to try in hope my body was kicked started lol and now knows what to do without fertility help. But I feel it well be vary hard or will not happen. I have mixed age friends and the ones that are in there late 20s early 30s say they want kids but have a list of things they want first. Apart of me is like I hope they dont have a much trouble as me TTC and the outher side of me wants to yell at them and say are you crazy womens dont you know if you waite to long you may NEVER have children. How do you feel? Do you wish you tried younger ? Do you feel inspired to tell outher women your struggles so they appreciate the time they have. Idk just my thoughts