My son cut the skin that connects the upper lip and the gums last week but it was fine after it bled for a bit. Then Sunday he fell and cut open the same spot but again it was fine after a little bit.

Tuesday night at midnight he was screaming so I went in his room to check on him and there was blood EVERYWHERE. I am not exaggerating. It was the scariest moment I have ever had with him so far. I didn’t know what to do. So I called the pediatrician and he FaceTimed with us and basically said we just had to try to get the bleeding under control.

The next day it was fine all day and then last night bled a ton again. Now we cannot get it to stop bleeding! As soon as it stops he puts his fingers or something else in his mouth and it starts bleeding again.

We went into the doctor this morning but he just confirmed that we just had to help stop the bleeding with pressure and try to help prevent him from opening again... which seems impossible to do with a one year old that is on the go and all over the place!

Almost all day today we just had to follow him around with wipes to wipe the blood the was dripping from his mouth!!

Does anyone have any advice or has this happened to anyone else’s child?? I am going crazy. This is so horrible 😔