Large baby?!!

At my 32 week ultrasound they said my baby was measuring in the 87th percentile. (I have GD) my dr said they could induce me on August 4th at the earliest. My due date is August 7th, so not much of a difference. Yesterday I had my 36 week ultrasound for another growth check. The guy who did my ultrasound was the same one who did my 32 week one. He asked how tall I was (5’6) and then said woah you’re going to be having a huge baby. I asked how much he was weighing but said only my dr could tell me (which I understand) I asked him if he was in a higher percentile then last time and he said yes. I really want to avoid a c-section and the baby possibly be getting stuck and breaking his collar or shoulder.

I called my dr for the results and hopefully she gets back to me in the next few days. For those of you that have GD managed by diet control when is your dr thinking about inducing you if the weight of your baby is a concern? I’m just worried that my dr isn’t concerned enough for the baby or me. When I google it says most women get induced 38-39 weeks due to GD. Last pregnancy I also had preeclampsia so they put me on medication for my blood pressure which has been working great, I also developed bells palsey after giving birth due to the trauma. I’m just scared that I’ll need a c section and that’ll cause more trauma for my body ): I’ve expressed this to my dr a few days ago and again she didn’t seem worried