Really starting to worry about postpartum body

I know this is a shallow post, but I’m terrified about what my body is going to look like postpartum. I’m so grateful everyday that my body is carry my little one (especially after I had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy).

This has been a tough pregnancy from the start with a few scares in the first and second trimester. I was also sick up to 15 weeks, and nauseated until 18. Even though I actually lost weight during this time, from throwing up 5x a day, and almost becoming hospitalized. I became covered in stretch marks on my boobs, thighs and calves.

Then at around 20 weeks my appetite returned to a normal level and I piled on the pounds very quickly 20 pounds in 4 weeks!! 🤦🏼‍♀️ I was not over eating or sitting around eating junk.

I have steadily gained weight since now at 32 weeks (35 lbs total). Thankfully I do not have gestational diabetes or preeclampsia.

My baby is measuring about 3 weeks ahead, and I’ve been told I may have to have a c-section due to his size.

My head is just spinning now about what my body will look like. I was already concerned that my bump was so huge (as well as thickening in my arms and legs) that it will be months before I will shed the baby weight, but now I’m concerned with what I will be left with, after having a c-section. I just don’t have faith my skin will shrink back.

I eat very healthily and I’m active, it just doesn’t seem to stop the weight gain. The change in my body is just unbelievable to me at this stage, I look 40 weeks pregnant And still have 8 to go, and I feel like I’m looking at a stranger in the mirror. Does anyone else feel this way?

I’m just feeling so down about my body :(