how to ask nicely

ok so backstory: i am working on myself through and through. i can be a, let’s be frank, fucking asshole. i don’t want to be anymore because something clicked a few months ago. i won’t go into the details of it, but basically my husband is the sweetest person. he is just honey as a human, and i have deep seeded anger issues that specifically come out to those i love most.

so, in working on myself i am trying to ask things of him nicely. right now it’s 2130 (9:30) at night and i have to be up at 0500. i personally think he should be in bed as well, but that’s not my business. lol

he’s playing video games downstairs and being quite loud. usually i would just be angry and let the anger build and build until i would either a. scream at him from the bedroom “are you fucking kidding me? you’re going to be a child right now?” (by the way, please no judgment. i know this is wrong and that’s why i am working on it. i can’t change the past but i can work on myself for the future) or b. be pissy all night until he got in bed and just not speak to him (again, please do not judge).

so, how do i ask nicely? this is all very new to me. i grew up in a very toxic household, not that that is an excuse. but i just don’t know any other way. i want to make it as nice as possible while getting my point across that i am tired and trying to sleep.

bonus points if you can apply this to other situations.

much love my friends and thank you for helping me become a better person. 💕💕