If your SO smoked weed would it bother you?

My fiancé and I have been together for over a year now and lately we’ve been arguing a lot, and it seems to be because we don’t see eye to eye on one topic, weed. He was raised on it everyone in his family does it and he says he sees it as a medicine, that it helps him forget and makes him feel better after a long day. I personally don’t do it or at least hardly ever. I go months even up to a year before I think about it. I see it as something to do if you’re already having a good time, not something help you run from your problems or use daily. He used to do it multiple times a day and now the farthest he’s gone without it is two weeks. I see his efforts but still get upset when I see him high and he says he doesn’t ever plan to stop completely. I just don’t know anymore. I just wish we could find a meet in the middle or something.

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