How to orgasm when i need clitoral stimulation but my future husband doesn't agree with toys.

Okay so this is complicated. My future husband and I are both Christians. Not like die hard, legalistic, "yOu hAvE tO fOlLoW tHe bIblE oR ElsE" kind of christian.. we just believe in Jesus and what not. ANYYYWWAAAYSS...

I don't necessarily believe in sex toys... I just 🤷🏻‍♀️ never have.. I don't know. And neither does he. However, I do know that I'm the kind of girl that only orgasms with clitoral stimulation (and or penetration) and I've told him that and I've explained it but neither of us were really sure if we should bring in a clit vibrator or not.. just wondering if I'm basically never gonna be able to orgasm if we don't, or if actual sex is much different than just masturbation and I'll actually have a chance of orgasming without clitoral stimulation. This sounds so dumb and I guess it doesn't really matter in the long run... But it would be nice to be able to orgasm... 🤷🏻‍♀️??? Anyways sorry, help much appreciated.