Yikes! Husband has a fever and...

Kelly • Mommy of 6, should we make it 7?!?!

Last night my husband was coughing, he vapes and has been coughing a little more than usual the last few months so I wasnt overly concerned. He came to bed and continued coughing, a cross between a dry and wet cough. He woke this morning saying his whole body hurt but blew it off because he was lifting furniture and moving around a shed yesterday so expected he might be sore. A few hrs later I looked at him and he just looked sick, drained. Took his temp and he is 101.9! His normal temp is always low never above 98. Ive given him tylenol and a bottle of water and sent him to bed. Im a little worried as he has been back at work dealing with the public ( he works at a furniture store)and cases in our county have been at a steady rise. Im 31 weeks pregnant so Im getting scared. At what point should he go get tested? So far symptoms are fever, and severe body aches. Ive only heard him cough maybe 2 times today....