My LO is a terrible night sleeper 😩


So my baby boy does so good for naps throughout the day. He sleeps in his crib, when I feed him he’ll stay up for 1.5-2 hours then sleeps great for naps. But nighttime is HORRIBLE. He just won’t do it. He eats at 9 pm and plays for a little while then eats again around 1-2 am. His dad and I are night owls and stay up until about 2 am or when it’s time to put little man to sleep. He’ll fall asleep for like 30 minutes then just fuss all night unless I put him in the swing when I’ve officially given up and super exhausted and frustrated. Idk what to do. I just put him in the swing because he sleeps so good in the swing and I can finally rest. But I know that’s not a great idea. I hate putting him in the swing to sleep but I have to get some sleep too. 🤦🏼‍♀️