12 weeks PP


How's all the new/new again mommas doing? Recovery, breastfeeding/bottle feeding challenges/successes, sleep schedules, routines, dreaded topic of Covid-19.. Well I've officially started my period back today 🥴 After not having it for a year I haven't missed it one bit haha 😅 Baby girl has adjusted well & took her first daytime nap in her crib today. Rolled from her tummy to back for the 1st time just a few days ago(7-9-20) 😍 She sleeps all night in her bassinet, but I can tell she's starting to outgrow it. She just recently started drinking 6 oz of formula and is quickly approaching size 3/6 months! I breastfed just short of 2 months. With some scary results we kept getting back from her newborn screening tests I was told to stop or I could pump & save. 1st was her thyroid at birth, 2nd showed Valinemia or Maple Syrup Urine Disease at 6 wks and 3rd at 7 weeks showed SCID aka Severe Combined Immunodeficiency aka bubble boy disease. Reasoning behind why I had to stop was if she truly had Scid I could potentially give her something that could kill her if passed through my breastmilk..Both diseases are fatal. After a trip to see an Immunolgist her blood work showed she's a very healthy baby with no issues. Blood work every week of her life and sometimes twice a week. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions. So glad that's over! Her big brother & sister are absolutely smitten with her especially her sister. They are 12 and 9 so it's been awhile for me. We made the decision to homeschool this upcoming year so that should be interesting. Learning to live the new norm due to Covid has proven to be difficult, but it also has allowed us all to just slow down and appreciate life more & my children being home & safe. Well I could go on & on but while baby is sleeping I need to make dinner. Hope everyone is doing well & taking care of themselves ❤