pregnant and fighting

Sarah • momma to Kayli 8/5/18 and Alayna 10/9/20 21

i’m 6 1/2 months pregnant with my second little girl. my daughters’ father has hit me in the past, but not quite as bad as today. it was also in front of my daughter. I asked him to go fill up the gas tank for the lawn mower so I could go out and mow the yard since he doesn’t. he got mad since I interrupted his game and choked me, slapped me hard enough to leave a welp on my arm and bruised my knuckles. he apologizes afterwards and will go out and buy me candy, food, something and say he’ll never do it again. my friend is urging me to move out and me and her get a pace together with the girls. thing is, It will have to be income based housing until I get a better job. what should I do? maybe i sound ridiculous, but I don’t know what to do