Did anyone else feel like shit after losing their V

This guy is an ass w the coercion and being pushy and getting mad at me and rape and sexual assault and wow yeah but I’m an idiot and to cope I kept talking and hanging until we actually did have sex

Now I’m worried he won’t talk to me ever again and I feel terrible. I was just so confused after the “rape (he didn’t finish it go all the way in but I was told it’s still take cuz of all the other details)

That I wasn’t sure if I was a virgin or not and idk

If he doesn’t talk to me after and ghosts it’s going to fuck w me sm. I’m already going through so much.

Can someone give advice. I don’t wanna talk ab it to my friends and I wanna w my mom but I’m afraid she’ll judge idk. I don’t wanna feel weak and like I care and whatever. So I’m trying to act unbothered but I’m also on the verge of tears.

This happened this morning btw.

Oh and it was a friends w benefit type of relationship and last night I saw he was messaging another girl and he may have fucked another girl since we have been hanging out (which is all fine but it hurts cuz I’m attached )