I’m dying without skin to skin

I recently went on vacation to Cali and met someone. We spent 3 days laying in bed, ordering Postmates, talking, and obviously fucking. The day before I left to come home we spent the day with his mom and his brothers. I feel like it’s too early to say we had a deep connection but he gave me this huge sense of home. We arnt together(we both feel it’s wayyy to soon and difficult being 1,000 miles apart🤣) but we agreed ANY sex we had with other people would be strictly with condoms. We’ve texted everyday, all day since I’ve been home. I stopped (mostly) entertaining all my lil tricks here at home. I don’t see any of them any more either. I was touching myself to a video of us fucking tonight and after I came I cried. I wondered why and I realized I feel stuck. I need skin to skin contact and sex but I don’t want it from anyone but him. I’m 100% aloud to get it else where but I just don’t want to. It hurts and actually makes me cry (a lil harder than you’d expect for how long I’ve known him😂) I don’t know if I’m looking for advice or support but I just needed to get it out.