I’m ready to propose

Now I know what you’re thinking but hear me out. I’ve been with my guy for two years now and as cliche as it sounds we just knew from the moment we met.

So covid happens and we’ve had to be separate for these few months. We’ve talked about marriage and his language has changed from “if it happens” to “when it happens”. We discussed it and I told him that I’d give a clear signal when I’m ready for that kind of commitment.

When we get out of quarantine I want to propose to him (in private because I know that when he can he wants to propose publicly with his family and my family around, but I just think I’d like to get in my own proposal to him).

So far my friends (who are friends with him too) love the idea, but I’m not sure how to pick out a ring, item of jewelry, or gift for someone who doesn’t really wear rings.... does anyone know of any gifts that would be appropriate for a proposal?