Just some general questions


Okay so I’ve been TTC for about 2-3 months now, after I thought that I was pregnant (even though I wasn’t) made me realize I really did want to be.

So I believe I’m 3-4 DPO (which I know is really early but I wanna ask these questions now so I’m ready)

1) when is the best time to take a pregnancy test/which should I use? I know I should probably wait until the day of my missed period, but which tests do you think are the most sensitive? That way I have the best chance of getting a result.

2) for those that have been pregnant before, when did you all start getting symptoms/what symptoms came up first? I know it’s different for everyone and most symptoms don’t usually show up until 5-6 weeks but I just wanna keep a look out so I can log what I’m experiencing if they might be symptoms.

That’s all I can think of right now but if I have anymore I’ll either update this post or put more in the comments! Thanks in advance!