I just need to let it out.


I'm ten weeks today and over the weekend I started spotting. Started off pink then bring red not enough for a pad but still scary ( it was only when I wiped). I called my Dr to let him know and he told me I could come to the hospital he was on call at but I didn't want to run to a hospital full of sick people and possibly end up with covid when spotting can be normal. Needless to say I went to bed woke up use the bathroom and wiped to see like spotting of brown. It was going away more and more throughout the day. I woke up this morning to use the bathroom and the brown spotting started up again and this time there was "tissue" it wasnt a clot but now I'm really freaking out. I have an appointment today but I'm so scared. I don't like talking about it because it makes me even more upset. My family is very supportive and there for me but talking about it makes me feel worse. I dont want to complain to them because they will just start worrying abou me. I just needed to get this out. I'm just trying to come to terms with this possibly being a miscarriage.