Hard labor but worth it


Got induced on the 6th for low amniotic fluids and bp spikes. They started cervadil and it wasn’t supposed to dilate me or cause me to have contractions, just soften my cervix, but it almost immediately did. That night they put in a foley balloon in to further dilate me, which was nearly as painful as birth. They gave me morphine to sleep and the next morning started pitocin. The pitocin was supposed to take 12-24 hours to fully dilate me and it only took 3. I was not able to have an epidural due to a medical condition, (I had been told I could have one, then they said no) and also due to how quickly I was progressing. Lemme just say anyone who also does no epidural you are a warrior that was insane. My doctor was shocked when I started yelling that I felt the urge to push. I went from a 8-10 very quickly, and he was out in a few pushes. I have a 1st degree internal tear and a laceration on my labia. Recovery has been rough but he was born July 7th at 1:21 pm, and was worth every minute. ❤️ heres to us July 2020 mamas 💕