I just proved we release endorphins during orgasm

Sophia • 👹👿

You know that old fact that we always hear that we release endorphins during sex and orgasm? Well I just experienced it.

Yesterday my boyfriend and I were having sex, cowgirl style, and I orgasmed. It felt so good I just kinda fell back to land on my back on the bed, but my head hit an old and big wooden frame on the wall as I fell. My head made such a loud bang, my boyfriend, shocked, kept asking if I were okay. I was still in lala land and didn't feel a thing other than my beautiful orgasm glow. I waved him off and didn't think about it again until this morning. I've got a big ol knot on the top of my head and it hurts to touch 😭

Well, the science is right, guys, the endorphins are real!