Decisions Decisions

Jeleah • Leah 19 Years #Success in Demand ✨

So my boyfriend and i have been together for a one solid year however we’ve had several conversation about marriage kids etc etc. i have a 1 year old that he loves and cares for as his own but words coming from his mouth he doesn’t want any or to even be married at all but he says he loves me and doesn’t see himself with anyone else and just our relationship it self feels like marriage already we actually argued for the first time a week ago about a simple human trash can 🤦🏽‍♀️ but then things turned back to normal as if it never happened but in this whole post i can tell y’all all the beautiful things that this man does for me and my daughter but i questioned if he is just saying he doesn’t want those things because he’s scared or will it actually happen later down the line