2mro is my bday and I’m spotting at 8dpo


Well this month marks 1 year of trying to conceive.

My bday is 2mro (July 14th) and am currently about 8dpo and now spotting slightly.

I’m trying not to give up hope but I’m a spotter when it comes to periods. I would get my period by the 18th and always have spotted about 2-3 days before it was due.

I’m really trying not to get my hopes up but I was born on my moms 23rd birthday So I just think to myself how crazy would it be if I found out I was?!

Also I know this is far fetched but a while back I had a pregnancy reading from someone who claims they see a girl and possible conception in September. If I am currently pregnant the 12 week mark would be in September so again trying to grasp at straws thinking oh maybe she just saw that month and it was attached to me.

Who knows I know I’m stressing over this. I am thinking by September if i am not I will seek a fertility specialist. I have regular periods but am over weight. Losing weight is easier said than done.