Mental health

I will be 38 weeks tomorrow with my son. I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter. The birth with her was TERRIBLE & Traumatic.. I suffered from bad PPD & PTSD.. I’ve struggled with anxiety & depression since I was 12.. We are so excited to have our son but the amount of anxiety and sadness I’m feeling right now scares me. I feel like a failure of a mother and wife. I’m being induced at 39 weeks but I feel like that’s an eternity away when in reality its SO close. I haven’t slept properly over the last month and I’m beginning to feel the effects. I feel like I’m slipping before one of the best days of our lives. I’ve always wanted my son & he will be our last.. I just needed a place to vent. I feel like I’m failing & drowning when I should be over the moon with happiness. I have no energy to play with my daughter, all I want to do is rest. My husband has been doing everything and more! I couldn’t be more thankful for him. I’m not sure what to do at this point. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow at 10am. I hate the way I’m feeling now & the hardest part is yet to come..