Frustrated while changing baby

She's almost 7 months old and it is so hard to change her diaper! She rolls all over the place and I can't keep her still and she flips on her stomach. I try talking, singing, dangling something. I don't want to force her down and I don't want her to hit her head against the changing table. It is so frustrating and I just put her in her crib because mama needs a minute. Helpful advice needed please!


UPDATE: Ladies, thank you all so much!! This is what I love about GLOW, a community of new moms helping one another, and not the catty and disrespectful comments I see flying around. I gave baby girl a diaper to hold and she was all about it! Then, she tried to eat it 😂🤦. So I sang her some Little Baby Bum, took the diaper she was holding, and gave her a sock. She just looked at it like it was the best thing ever! Hopefully, this continues 🤗 Thanks again!