Positive !!! God is sooo good !!

Kalani • Delivered baby by the grace of God

Pcos fighter and I’ve been trying since 2018. My 2nd cycle with injectables and TI. I went in for bloodwork this morning and just got the call that ITS POSITIVE!!! I’ve cried. I was shaking. I’m in so much shock!!! God is so good !!! I used to always just like other women’s post and put cute encouraging comments. I can’t believe now it’s my turn. This is only the beginning ... Lord knows I need him. I’m shocked ladies !! I’m so so so so so shocked and EXCITED. The pregnancy calculator calculated my baby due March 17. That’s the date my father was murdered 21 years ago !!! 😱😱

Stay strong ladies. I’ve been in your shoes. Blessings to everyone !! 😭💕 I still can’t believe this 😭🤗