Breastfeeding driving me crazy 🤯


I’m almost 6 weeks postpartum and baby has been feeding more since last week.

He’s on my boob all day and most part of the night. I get small breaks to take care of myself, cook and to clean the house. I also have a three year old who needs my attention but it’s hard when I’m always breastfeeding. My boy refuses the pacifier and uses me as one.

I barely get sleep at night. When I pump, I only get 1-2 oz.

I’m wondering if he stays on me for so long because I’m not producing enough 🤔

But I feel like pulling my hair out lol 😫 breastfeeding and pumping are driving me nuts and I need some sanity managing two children.

What have you done to make things easier with breastfeeding. I don’t want to give up but if this continues and my supply remains low I may consider supplementing with formula.