Met my husbands 7 year old for the first time... step mom... ?


My husband had a child with his ex and the little boy is 7 years old.

She took him and moved stated 3 years ago and hasn’t been able to be contacted MIA 100%. Last year my husband and I got married and had our first baby boy but when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant his family posted a picture of us on social media and somehow she seen it in contact my husband asking if he was having another baby and that she wanted him to start sending her money or she would put him on child support. We start sending her money through an app  but the agreement was that he would be able to talk to the son over the phone. Then she started asking for so much money i’m threatening to cut all ties again and just sue him for child support. She stopped letting my husband talk to his son for six months again going MIA. I am now pregnant with our 2nd baby 33 weeks  and my husband gets served with Lawsuit/ child support and tells him that she’s coming to California for a visit and that he can see his son. And then that brings us to today... She made a big fuss saying that she didn’t want me around him because I’m white???? Wtf... he’s not allowed to spend the night... blah blah blah well I went with my husband to pick up his son from her she saw me... and he is now spending his 2nd night with us lol.

He is a good kid, vary sweet, hyper lol

I’m just having a hard time knowing my places with him... am I step mom? He told his mom I’m really nice and that he wants to stay with us for ever lol... I just feel weird like he isn’t mine so when he does something bad I turn to my husband and say “ummm are you going to say anything” or turn to my husband and say “ok it’s late you need to have him brush his teeth and go to bed” but I feel weird about being the one that says anything..... blah help me!