Diagnosed infertile.... I’m sure some may be able to relate to what I wrote....

Infertility is more than just the false hope....

Infertility is questioning every decision you made in the past months that may have resulted in those negative tests. Infertility is the blissful dreams of holding your precious baby and waking up to a living nightmare and the potential of never experience that desire. Infertility is fighting the heartbreak and depressive thoughts, as you try and remember to take the medications that “may” help you. It’s struggling between finding an equal balance in your health because exercise promotes healthier eggs, but too much can cause strain. You debate on relaxing with a glass of wine at the end of the week because alcohol does impair fertility, but questioning how drug addicts become pregnant. You hold back tears when people ask, “when will you have kids?” Because doctors don’t even have an answer. You watch your partner struggle silently because they stay strong every month to help you out. Infertility is talking to God everyday about the struggles you face, the heartbreak that comes once a month, praying for those also struggling, as well as the mothers that are currently carrying. Infertility is an everyday struggle that goes unseen by the rest of the world.