Any 3 month old teething babies? Or lo with teeth?

Angie • Mommy of a baby boy with wings 👼💙 Soon to be mommy of a baby boy 👶💙🌈 💙Forever in our hearts Ethan Emmanuel Robledo Sanchez👼💙

So my little one just turned 3 months on Sunday. I was just checking him now see if I feel any of his baby teething coming I felt something towards the left back didn’t really think much and then I went to the other side and felt the I decided to turn on my flash light and open his mouth... my 3 month old has his 2 top back molars coming in!!!!!! I can’t believe it! He has an appointment today so I will be talking to his pediatrician to make sure...I will update later in another post see if I was right. Also i hope they can fix his tongue tie and he might have a lip tie I will be discussing that.