Baby Eating A Lot - 5 Weeks Old!

My May baby turned into a June baby when he arrived at 41 weeks :) let me start by saying he was born a large baby! He was 10lbs5oz at birth and 22” long! No, I did not have gestational diabetes. 😂😅

That said, last week at baby’s 4 week appointment, his pediatrician said to start giving him 5 OUNCES of milk at every feeding, because he was giving hunger cues before 3 hours on 4oz. So, I’ve been doing that — feeding 5oz every 3-3.5 hours. The last day or so though - he still seems hungry after 5oz so I will give him another ounce and he seems happier! I’ve fed him 6oz twice this morning! Wild!

The trouble with this, is I feel like EVERYONE says their baby only ate 3-4oz at this age, so now I’m worried he is eating too much for his age. Now, I know that’s irrational, because baby will tell me how much he needs. BUT — Google is not your friend when you have an above average child. Lol

Can anybody please relate? I know he’s not the only big baby to ever be born, it’s just hard as a first time mom who wants to do the ‘right’ thing always. Please reassure me that I’m not messing him up. Thanks in advance! ❤️