Naya Rivera’s death

I’ve been following her story the whole time after she went missing until they confirmed the body to be hers. Just minutes ago I asked my husband, I wonder how her son got back on the boat and he told me “oh? You didn’t see that? They said she used the last bit of her energy to push her son onto the boat and then he saw her go under.”

I sobbed (currently sobbing as I type this). The fact that he saw his mother go and probably not even realize what’s going on. The fact that she made sure no matter what happened her son was going to make it alive.

I realized that a fear of mine would be to leave my husband and my two beautiful kids behind. This story just really breaks my heart, as a parent. I never watched Glee nor did I know too much of her but you can tell how much she loved being his mother. Neither one of them went in thinking that only one of them was going to make it out alive or that it would be her last day with him. Rest In Peace, Naya Rivera 😞