Opinions please...


This happened 2 days in a row...

Day 1 ( not fmu)

Day 2 ...( with fmu)


Decided to add day 3 and give a little insight to why I dont know to believe it. Although I will be using another kind of test later.

I just had laparoscopy surgery to open my tubes on the 3rd. My Dr. said he could not open them. Me and husband made love 2 days after surgery (5th) but my period was due on the 8th. Today is the 15th and still no period but I'm getting these test. So how could I be pregnant if (a) my tubes could not be opened. (b) I was already so close to my period. Unless i actually concieved before the surgery but how would the baby survive the surgery...I'm just a ball of confusion right now. What do you ladies think?