Cyst While Pregnant


I just found out I am a little above 5 weeks pregnant. I went to the doctors to confirm pregnancy and have a ultrasound. The doctor said I'm definitely pregnant and I got to see the pregnancy sack. Then he was having a look at my ovaries and he noticed I have a mass in my left ovary that is 13cm big. They took bloodwork for cancer but he thinks it's more then likely a large cyst. He told me I may have complications due to this. While my stomach grows and the cyst it can cause my tubes to twist, cyst rupture, and complications with childbirth. I am truly upset and freaking out. I am terrified of losing this baby and or it being fatal to me. I really wanted to see if any moms on here have gone through this and had a good outcome or if you could just share your experience so I can have some clarity.