
For lifting the stress off my shoulders right in the midst of my despair.

I haven’t been this low in a long time, and I’m not a religious woman. But I believe that the universe provides. And I believe in the power of prayer and reflection, of meditation and of practicing kindness.

I’m so so so grateful that my prayers have been answered tonight and I have the means to keep my extremely sentimental inherited storage room from going to auction; the means to get groceries, the means to keep my phone on...and so much more 🥺😭😭😭 I had less than enough to cover any of that before about an hour ago.

I was worrying myself sick... and I was losing my grip to be honest with you.

I. Am. So. Grateful.

I told my depression to go fuck itself this morning and received a portion of my month-and-a-half’s worth of late pay this evening.

God is Good.