12 Month Vaccines


Has this happened to anyone else’s child?

My son received his 12 month needles on Sat 11 July and was effected by it almost immediately. The nurse said the MMR needle is a live vaccine that has delayed side effects and in about a week’s time he may develop a fever and become fussy. But every single day since his needles has been a nightmare.

He has been battling a constant fever all day and throughout the night which I’ve been controlling with alternating paracetamol and ibuprofen. He has woken up between midnight and 4am every night since Saturday just sobbing his heart out. On Monday morning he seemed in good spirits with no temperature, but then the fever returned and he vomited at daycare so I went back to collect him. On Tuesday night at midnight he was screaming in his cot and when I went in there he was bathed in sweat with a temp of 38.8 degreesC. I stripped his clothes off even though it is the dead of winter here and it took an hour for me to get his fever under control.

Today I took him back to the same clinic where he received the needles to get the Dr to examine him. We were temp checked at the door and they wouldn’t let him into the surgery because of his fever. We had to go around the back of the building and use the COVID entrance😟. The Dr looked in his mouth and noticed an ulcer on his soft palate to the left of his uvula. On top of this he is cutting two teeth. Life in our house is NOT pleasant at the moment.