Post Ectopic Pain During Ovulation Chance of Preg

I had a tube removed about 10 months ago.

This month I have been doing all the things to try to conceive. Started about 3 months ago. It’s been emotional. But we are doing really well this cycle: testing, doing the deed at the times that seem like the best times, sleeping well etc.

But now, I guess a day before I ovulate possibly, I am getting a weird dull pain on the side that the tube was removed.

Does this pain indicate that I’m releasing the egg on the side without the tube? So basically lower chances of that egg getting over to my husband’s boys??

Seriously, I’m freaking out. I don’t want to sound angry but seriously, what the mother of all that is holy does this mean?

Does anyone know of pain on the side of a removed tube means that it’s that side the egg is being released on this month?