4 months PP and a late period HELLPPPP

Hi ladies,

My anxiety is through the roof today AF aka my period was due today. I’m loosing my mind worrying I’m pregnant again, don’t get me wrong I think a baby is a blessing for my family. But this is so so so early :( if I think back I had sex once around ovulation like an absolute idiot. how irregular were everyone’s periods PP? To be fair to myself, last month I was a day late also. I’m too anxious to test - also I don’t have any at home. And I think it’s ridiculous to test right now as I’ve not been trying for a baby - if I was trying I would test.

- also incase I am, has anyone else has babies close together? My worries are I won’t give my little princess all the attention she deserves, we would love for her to have siblings but just not yet. I really want to enjoy just her.

- I don’t want to come off as ungrateful so please be kind in response to this, obviously I am 4 months PP so this is very concerning for me. Especially as we are in the middle of a pandemic.

Am I overreacting? Pls help me!!!!!!!!

Any advice, stories, personal experiences or kind words is welcome 🤩

Also I am only 20 😣