Its okay...

Samantha • Grateful mama of 2 💞 surprise baby #3 on the way

Let me just start with this, I'm very overweight 5'1 and I weigh 215 lbs. I *think* I've hit my absolute bottom. I'm tired of feeling out of shape. I'm tired of being out of breath all the time. And I'm tired of feeling lazy. So I told myself "I'm done, I'm done feeling this way and I'm done looking this way." Because after all, I'M the only one who can change my appearance and my health. I picked myself up off the couch tonight and started working out. I have sports induced asthma, so I really have to be careful, especially with as heavy as I am and take it slow and lots of breaks. The "workout" I did tonight might just look like a warmup to others, but I pushed myself as far as I could. I was only moving for about 15 minutes and I had to call it quits tonight. I pushed until my legs were jello and i felt dizzy. Showered and started to feel nauseous. IMMEDIATELY, I caught myself thinking "I can't do this, it's too hard" and stopped that thought in its tracks. I CAN do this and it will take time. My health and weight is not an overnight fix and that's okay. I'm not giving up, but instead reminding myself that it's okay to take baby steps. I dont need to be making myself workout for at least an hour if my body is screaming to stop. It's okay to take it slow and listen to what your body is telling you. I want to feel better about myself, but this time, I refuse to drive myself straight into failure by making my body overwork itself within the first week. I'm holding myself accountable this time. Im done being at am unhealthy weight. For anyone who's in the same boat as me, you've got this!